Ticket Falcon

Effortless VIP Invites: New Guest List Feature!

Published at 2024-03-23 by TF Blog

Planning an event is a juggling act, and managing your guest list can feel like the trickiest part. Public ticket sales are open, but VIPs, sponsors, speakers, and other esteemed guests need special attention. In the past, inviting these individuals required spreadsheets and manual effort, which was time-consuming and cumbersome. We are excited to announce the launch of Ticket Falcon's new Guest List Feature.

Beyond Public Ticketing:

Guests who may not register can now be easily managed using our Guest List feature, a revolutionary tool that complements Ticket Falcon's seamless public ticketing options.

Effortless Onboarding (No Outdated Spreadsheets Here!):

Ditch outdated spreadsheets and manual data entry. Unlike other platforms, our Guest List feature integrates seamlessly with your workflow through a built-in, browser-based spreadsheet. Simply add your guests directly within the platform, eliminating the need for external files and minimizing errors.

Tailored Communication:

The Guest List feature seamlessly integrates with our existing event management communication capabilities. You can now send tickets directly to guests from the platform.

VIP Treatment Starts with the Invite:

Wow your attendees with our Guest List feature. Categorize guests for targeted communication or access control. Treat VIPs to exclusive pre-event emails or dedicated check-in areas.

Ready to Elevate Your Event Experience?

Simplify your guest management and create an unforgettable event experience for everyone. Contact us today to learn how the Guest List Feature can help you extend VIP treatment to all your guests!

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Ditch the Spreadsheet! Tips for Managing Attendee Lists and Registrations with Ease

Published at 2024-03-23 by TF Blog

Organizing an event, big or small, is no small feat. There's a lot to juggle between securing the venue, crafting the perfect marketing plan, and ensuring everything runs smoothly on the big day. But one area that shouldn't add to your stress is managing your attendee list and registrations.

Some event organizers rely on spreadsheets to track attendees. While spreadsheets may seem like a great option, they quickly become cumbersome and error-prone as your event grows.

This is where ticketing platforms like Ticket Falcon can help. Ticket platforms like Ticket Falcon offer a streamlined and efficient way to manage your attendees, saving you time and headaches. Here's how:

1. Ditch the Manual Data Entry:

Imagine the time saved by eliminating the need to enter every registration into a spreadsheet manually. Ticket Falcon allows attendees to register themselves, automatically populating your list with accurate and complete information.

2. Say Goodbye to Version Control Chaos:

Multiple spreadsheet versions floating around can lead to confusion and lost data. With Ticket Falcon, there is only one central location for your attendee list, accessible anytime, anywhere.

3. Embrace Organization and Filtering:

Tired of scrolling through endless rows of names? Ticket Falcon allows you to filter your attendee list by various criteria, such as ticket type, registration date, or even dietary restrictions. This makes it easy to find specific information quickly.

4. Gain Valuable Insights with Real-Time Analytics:

Ticket Falcon provides real-time reporting and analytics, allowing you to track registration trends, identify popular ticket options, and analyze demographics. This valuable data can inform your future event planning and marketing strategies.

5. Enhance Communication and Engagement:

Ticket Falcon facilitates seamless communication with your attendees. You can send emails, announce updates, and share important information directly through the platform.

6. Simplify Check-In and On-Site Management:

Gone are the days of scrambling with paper lists at check-in. Ticket Falcon offers mobile check-in option to ensure a smooth and efficient entry process for you and your attendees.

7. Ensure Security and Peace of Mind:

Ticket Falcon prioritizes data security and privacy. Your attendee information is stored securely using industry-standard practices, giving you peace of mind.

Ready to ditch the spreadsheet and embrace a simpler way to manage your attendee lists and registrations? Use Ticket Falcon to maximize the success of your event(s).

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Shield Your Business From Card Testing Fraud and Chargebacks With Stripe Radar

Published at 2024-03-23 by TF Blog

Do not let card testing damage your income and reputation. Stripe Radar is here to help with its cutting-edge AI, machine learning, and customizable rules to block sneaky fraudsters so you can focus on success.

What is card testing?

Imagine thieves trying out stolen credit card numbers on your website before making bigger purchases elsewhere. That's card testing, and it can drain your resources, damage your reputation, and trigger chargebacks.

Here's how Stripe Radar stops them:

  • Machine learning muscles: Stripe Radar's brainiac algorithms analyze data like a pro, identifying suspicious patterns that indicate card testing attempts and preventing chargebacks before they occur.
  • Real-time protection: Block these attempts in real-time with Stripe Radar, ensuring your hard-earned profit stays safe, and you do not face the hassle of disputes.
  • Boost your bottom line: Less fraud means more profit. Stripe Radar helps losses and maximizes income when configured appropriately for your business.
  • Peace of mind: Sleep soundly, knowing your transactions are secure. Focus on growing your business, not fighting fraud or dealing with chargebacks.
  • Insights and reports: Get detailed data on attempted card testing and potential chargeback situations to refine your defenses and stay ahead of the curve.

Empower your defenses with these powerful Stripe Radar rules:

  • Block payments exceeding a certain amount: Set a limit based on your average order value to flag suspiciously high transactions (a common card testing tactic).
  • Review payments from unfamiliar countries: Minimize risk by manually vetting orders originating from unexpected locations where stolen cards are often sold.
  • Require 3D Secure for high-risk transactions: Add an extra layer of security for payments deemed suspicious by Stripe Radar, including potential card testing attempts.
  • Block payments with mismatched billing addresses: Protect yourself from stolen card information by checking cardholder details. Inconsistent information often indicates card testing.
  • Review payments with multiple failed authorization attempts: Flag potential testing or fraudulent activity by suspicious card usage patterns, like repeated failed attempts.
  • Require CVV and zip code match: This powerful rule ensures the cardholder provides the correct three-digit CVV code and billing zip code associated with the card. This adds an extra layer of verification and helps prevent fraudulent transactions using stolen card information.

Do not be a victim. Stop card testers in their tracks, prevent chargebacks, and thrive with Stripe Radar. Visit Stripe's Chargeback Protection page and discover how Stripe Radar can empower your business to succeed.

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Demystifying Iframe’s “Unsafe Attempt to Initiate Navigation” Browser Console Error Message

Published at 2024-03-23 by TF Blog

Have you ever encountered a cryptic error message like "Unsafe attempt to initiate navigation for frame with origin..." while browsing the web? It might sound ominous, but understanding this message can empower you to navigate online safely. Let's decode this cryptic phrase and unravel the security concerns it represents.

Web Origins and the Walls Between Them:

The web is a vast interconnected network, but websites aren't just random neighbors. They exist in "origins," defined by their domain name and protocol (e.g., https://www.example.com). Imagine these origins as walled garden communities, each with its rules and access limitations.

Framing the Error:

An "iframe" is an HTML element that allows embedding one document within another, facilitating the integration of external content seamlessly into a webpage. The error message appears when a website inside an iframe (guest) tries to navigate (change its URL) without permission from the website hosting the iframe (host). This attempted navigation could be through JavaScript or other means.

Why We Need Walls:

This restriction exists for security reasons. Imagine a malicious website embedded in an iframe on a trusted website. If the malicious iframe could freely navigate, it could redirect you to phishing sites or steal your data. The "walls" between origins prevent such nefarious activities.

Understanding the Message:

The error message tells us three key things:

  1. A guest (iframe) tried to navigate.
  2. The guest's origin (website address) differs from the host's.
  3. The navigation attempt was unauthorized.

What Now?

Seeing this error doesn't necessarily mean you're in immediate danger. However, it's a red flag indicating potential security concerns:

  • The website embedding the iframe might be poorly coded or compromised.
  • The iframe itself might be malicious.
  • The navigation attempt could be a legitimate interaction gone wrong.

Staying Safe:

Here's how you can stay safe:

  • Be cautious about websites with embedded iframes, especially unfamiliar ones.
  • Avoid clicking on links within iframes, especially if they seem suspicious.
  • Keep your browser and operating system updated with the latest security patches.
  • Report the error to the website owner if you suspect a problem.
Example: A = website123.com B = websiteabc.com C= TicketFalcon.com Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) bridges the gap between websites, allowing different domains to securely share resources and build richer, more integrated web applications (i.e., iframes). Web browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge indicate CORS policies. CORS errors will appear in the browser developer console. Here is an example of what will work in terms of embedding iframes vs. what will not work. The following list is predicated on the appropriate header responses of any of the website's servers below (i.e. same-origin policy):
  1. Website A can embed an iframe from website B.
  2. Website A can embed an iframe from website C.
  3. Website B can embed an iframe from website A.
  4. Website B can embed an iframe from website C.
  5. Website A cannot embed an iframe from website B with a destination on website C or any derivative. This will cause the "Unsafe attempt to initiate navigation for frame with origin..." error message in the browser developer console. An error could be thrown on desktop but not mobile - it's up to each browser and its respective CORS policies.

If you experience the "Unsafe Attempt to Initiate Navigation" error message on your website when embedding the Ticket Falcon embed code, your website, web content management system or website builder likely changed the origin/source of the embedded website's iframe source URL. This tends to occur with older web content management systems. The best action is to contact your website provider for resolution.

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Edit Attendee Data with Bulk Editor Tool

Published at 2024-03-23 by TF Blog

Over the years, we received numerous requests to enable event organizers to access attendee data through a browser in a spreadsheet-like way. We are pleased to announce that we listened and built this capability. We are currently beta-testing the feature. Contact us if you want to try/test it; we will enable it for your event. Once the Bulk Edit feature is enabled, event organizers (and those with event manager access) will see a new Bulk Edit link on the event dashboard. After clicking the Bulk Edit link, attendee data will appear via an online spreadsheet editor. Text in black can be edited, while grey text cannot. Feel free to search, filter and edit the data. Updates are saved in real time. This tool is excellent for quickly updating attendee data across various ticket types. For example, say you need to update one of the answer selections for a survey question you created previously. You can easily search for the answer you want to update in the online spreadsheet and then update the answer selection for those attendees who ordered already. You can copy and paste, drag and drop, or type in the data manually, just like Excel. By default, the "seating" column is disabled. If you have a use case to edit seating data, let us know, and we can activate this field for you to edit. Please note that the Bulk Edit tool does not show updates in real-time across multiple devices. We have not enabled the real-time collaboration capability as of yet. Also, if you make a mistake while updating attendee data in the spreadsheet, there are undo and redo buttons to help return the spreadsheet to the state before the mistake was made.

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Make Phone Number Required for Ticket Buyers

Published at 2024-03-23 by TF Blog

Event organizers can now make phone number required for ticket buyers to complete during the registration process. To enable this feature, visit the create/edit tickets types pages and select yes under the "require phone" field. See the screenshot below.

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