Introducing Low Stock and Out of Stock Reminders

Out of Stock | Sold Out | Ticket Falcon

Yesterday we deployed functionality to inform event organizers via email when ticket type inventory is low (5 remaining) and out of stock (0 remaining). This feature is enabled by default and is intended to keep Event Organizers in the loop on the number of tickets available for sale should any adjustments be required before the ticket type sells out.

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Ticket Falcon®

Ticket Falcon is an online event registration and management platform for general admission and reserved seating events that provides direct payouts to your Stripe account. Ticket Falcon is a Stripe Verified Technology Partner and a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) through the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). We are a cost-effective solution with transparent pricing for everyone - no hidden fees, no contracts, and ZERO fees for free events. Get started by creating an event today.