Black Businesses Matter Hike- Saturday 9.26.20 – ATL

Sat, Sep 26, 2020, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ET

To Be Announced

26 Sep

About the Event

Black Too Earth and the Black People who hike are teaming up to host the Black Businesses Matter Hike! We want to highlight black businesses focused on health and wellness within the community with a fun hike! 

  • Location: Cascade Springs Nature Preserve, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Date: Saturday September 26th
  • Time: Checkin 10am; Intros start promptly at 10:15am with hike immediately following. Hike concludes by 12pm; 12pm-1pm shop and network with black businesses.
  • Capacity: Limited to the first 20 people to register.
  • Lunch: is catered and you will have the option to order one week prior to the event from Chef Bee.
  • Complimentary trail snacks will be provided
  • Raffle Prizes: Raffle prizes will include gear from Patagonia and Pro Memberships provided by AllTrails
  • Social Distancing: Masks will be required to be worn when a 6 feet distance can not be kept. All participants will be required to sign a covid waiver upon arrival and have their temperatures taken.
  • Register as a Black Business Owner for the opportunity to promote your business for free!

*All participants must register. Space is very limited and due to Covid-19 walk ups will not be allowed to attend. 


To Be Announced

Date and Time

Sat, Sep 26, 2020, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ET

Sales Ended


Black People Who Hike

@blackpeoplewhohike was created to inspire people of color to step out of their comfort zones and get active outside!  Our mission is to empower, educate and reengage black people to the outdoors! Follow us Instagram at @blackpeoplewhohike. 


Black People Who Hike

@blackpeoplewhohike was created to inspire people of color to step out of their comfort zones and get active outside!  Our mission is to empower, educate and reengage black people to the outdoors! Follow us Instagram at @blackpeoplewhohike.